How to Decorate Your Home with Color


3 Steps to a Pinterest-Worthy Colorful Home

How to Decorate Your Home With Color

Color. It can sure make a room look truly incredible, right?

If you’ve been eyeing all of those amazingly beautiful colorful rooms on Pinterest for years now, then you’re likely wanting to create a beautifully colorful home of your own to live in. But how in the world do you start?

Wishing someone would just share the secret with you already on how to decorate your home with color so you can live in your own beautifully colorful home? Then read on, because here it is!

How to Decorate Your Home with Color

1. Let Go of Your Fear of Color & Embrace the Joy It Brings You

OK, first thing’s first…if you’ve been living in a sea of neutrals feeling way too nervous to add vibrant colors to your home, then we’ve got to get rid of that fear of color once and for all, so you can start having fun!

Now I do understand it can sometimes feel pretty intimidating when you’re just getting started with adding those beautiful bold hues to your home decor no matter how much you love them, but I promise you, color is nothing to fear.

Color is pure joy! Just take a look at the natural world we live in. Vibrantly colored green grass, blue skies, turquoise waters, red rock mountains, purple violets, yellow daffodils, & rainbows of every color! All that gorgeous color makes us feel really good!

While you may have thought you were keeping yourself safe all these years from some imagined embarrassment over a dreaded color faux pas by shying away from using color in your home, think of this…..what if all the beautiful colors of the earth suddenly disappeared? The beautifully vibrant colors of the grass, sky, sea, plants, flowers, suddenly all faded away. All color gone. Every last bit of it. What would that feel like?

OK, enough of that nonsense already, right?! Let’s bring all those beautiful colors back! After all, color is such a big part of what makes being in nature such a magical experience that fills our hearts with joy!

So can you see now how avoiding color isn’t keeping you safe,… it’s actually keeping you from something that brings you great joy? Joy that mother nature knew you’d love, & so shared with you in abundance? OK then,….. feeling ready to fill your home & heart with that joy?

Excellent! Now that your fear of color has been left in the past, let’s start bringing all those joyful colors into your home!

2. Start Adding Color to Your Home the Easy Way With Colorful Art & Accessories

Even though you now clearly understand the joy that color adds to your life, if you’ve been used to living without lots of color for many years, you may not feel ready just yet to paint your walls peacock green, hang baby blue drapery, & bring a raspberry sofa into your living room. (But oh wow, that would sure be pretty!)

To help you feel more comfortable with adding color to your home, you may want to start a little more slowly & give yourself some time to adjust to the changes.

A great place to start adding color to your home is with colorful art & accessories.

First, select a colorful piece of artwork for your home that you truly love. One you can’t stop thinking about. One that gives you a wonderful feeling that fits beautifully with the way you want to feel in that room.

Go for a large piece of art that really makes a statement. For instance, maybe a large colorful painting for your living room.

Next, pick two colors that you really love. Colors that make you feel really good when you look at them. Pull inspiration from your artwork in choosing at least one of those two colors.

Now grab a few accessories in varying lighter & darker shades of your two chosen colors to sprinkle around your room. That way your new art will no longer be the lone colorful oddball in the room,… it will be beautifully balanced by your new accessories.

Remember, no matchy matchy perfection here,… keep it loose with a mix of shades. For example, a vase, some candlesticks, a few toss pillows, & maybe even a throw, all in various lighter & darker shades of the two colors you chose.

And for a brilliant finish,….. add one bold pop of color from your new artwork that you’ve not yet used. You know the one… it’s that beautifully wild color that felt way too daring! Now’s your chance to add one item in that color to a key area of your room that you want to feature. Is it a bright magenta, perhaps? Then how about a magenta flower on your coffee table or fireplace mantle? Simply beautiful!

3. Go All In and Decorate Your Home With All the Beautiful Colors You Love!

OK, now that you’ve gotten past your fear of color & are truly connected with the joy it brings you, and now that you’ve introduced bits of color into your home that feel just right, why stop there? Go all in! Add all of the beautiful colors that make you smile!

Picture a dark teal sofa with pale violet toss pillows against lovely sky blue walls. Or a cherry red chair against a soft lime green wall color?

They key to decorating with lots of color is to focus on just a few main dominant colors in your room in varying shades, and then sprinkle in little touches here & there of other colors you enjoy. That way everything will balance together just beautifully.

So are you feeling ready to decorate your home with color?

You can do it!

Just remember, color is pure joy! And you deserve to live in a home that brings you joy each and every day. And also, it’s totally OK to start slow & get used to adding the colors you love to your home bit by bit.

So what are you waiting for? Start adding those beautiful colors you love to your home today! And soon YOUR home will be that beautiful colorful home that everyone else is eyeing & wanting to know how in the world they can create a home for themselves that’s as beautifully colorful as yours!

So tell me, what area of your home will you be adding that first colorful piece of art to get you started? Tell me in the comments, I’d love to hear!


Free home decorating guide - 7 Easy Ways to Make Your Home More Interesting, Creative, Beautiful, & Authentically You